
If you marry, submit an Add/Delete Dependents Form and marriage certificate to the Pension Fund Office within 30 days of your marriage. In addition, you may need to update your beneficiary designation.

We have moved!
The Fund Office has relocated to Suite 200 Second Floor, Fort Nassau, which is directly adjacent to the British Colonial Hilton Hotel.

Keep Your Info Up to Date
Any time is a good time to update pension information or change beneficiaries.

The pensioner verification will be sent to all pensioners in December 2022, and must be completed and sent back to the office.

How Do I Earn Credits Towards My Pension?

You earn credits by working for an employer who contributes to the Plan. You earn pension credit for each weekly pay period that you work in covered employment. Once you’ve worked 40 weeks in a year, you’ve earned one full pension credit for that year (which is the most you can earn in a year). The maximum number of pension credits you can earn in a lifetime is 25. We keep track of your credits throughout your career, from the day your Pension Plan participation starts until the day it ends.

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Pension Fund At A Glance

Learn how the Plan works.


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See who the current Fund trustees are.


Find out how to reach the Pension Fund Offices via phone, fax, email, mail, or in person.

Related Sites

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Voluntary Employee Contribution Account